Project HOW OPENSCALE WORKS? How openscale works? Device made a selfservice registration on OpenScale platform and share his hw configuration Device generate username and password to access to his functions Application find device on OpenScale platform and using username and password can access to it What does the OpenScale protocol allow? Full remote management of scale deviceMaintenanceExecute diagnostic by sending remote commandget current errorget status parameters and get logs…Standard commandReceive events in realtime Full remote management of scale deviceMaintenanceStandard command Application can send generic command to device scale to manage:digital I/OPrint ticketRead/write from serial portManage local data (products, plate, customers, etc)Receive events in realtime Full remote management of scale deviceMaintenanceStandard commandReceive events in realtimeApplication can handle remote event fired by scale deviceSetpointRangeDigital input value changeData received from serialetcFull remote management of scale device Roadmap: